Steve's MAC Page
Welcome to my MAC page. Here is a collection of information about what are commonly referred to as 'MACs'
I have seen a lot of stuff on the web about the subject, but I wanted a page that had information about MACs
all in one place. If anyone finds something here that should not be, let me know and I will remove it. If you have any
info or pics, let me know.
I have had a PM-11, M-11, and now I own a Powder Springs 10/45 with a Bowers CAC45 Supressor.
In these magazine articles is a wealth of information about MACS.
An SMG that shoots 22 cheap? Yep. How does mine run? Great Now !!!! Here is a running log....
If you have a MAC, you need to get one of these. Yeah, you may have to tinker a bit, but it is well worth it !!!
Subcal Section
Manuals and Information
MAC Manual for the M10 and M11
M11 Manual
Bowers CAC Supressor
Magazine Articles
If you cannot read these, some you can double-click on to ZOOM in. Otherwise, save them to your computer and
open them up in your favorite paint program
Esquire August 1977
I think it is pretty cool that a firearm got coverage in a magazine like Esquire
Picture from the article
First Page
Second Page
Third Page
Fourth Page
Fifth Page
Sixth Page
Machine Gun News June 1994
Good article on MACS, plus some cool ads from the issue.
Check out the prices, remember, just a little over 10 years ago
First Page
Second Page
Third Page
Fourth Page
Back Cover - 22 Conversion Ad
First page of classified ads from the issue
Second page of classified ads from the issue
More good deals
Eagle 1984
I snagged these off of, hope they don't mind. All these articles contain useful info
First Page
Second Page
Third Page
Soldier of Fortune May 1978
Great article. Lots of history.
First Page
Second Page
Third Page
Fourth Page
Gun World March 1974
Swiped from MAC10.NET
First Page
Second Page
Third Page
Fourth Page
Fifth Page
New Breed
Swiped from MAC10.NET
First Page
Second Page
Third Page
Fourth Page
Fifth Page
Old RPB Catalog
Swiped from MAC10.NET
Bad Article
You will laugh your ass off. I can't believe people print this kind of crap.
Just Plain Bad
I was sitting around one night thinking about slowfire....
No MAC page would be worth a crap without lots of pictures
Yours Truly
Yours Truly Blasting Away
My MAC10 with muffler
Watch out Windows!
Must be a left hand model
Early MAC Serial #2
Early MAC
Early MAC
The movie that made the gun famous - McQ
McQ 1
McQ 2
The Duke 1
The Duke 2
Gotta Have Movies, Gotta Make Noise
Yours Truly
When I learned how to bump fire my M-11 semi, I was hooked. Turn up the volume. Dont forget to turn it back down
Bump Firing
Swiped from the COBRAY site - M10 Gal. Something about a blonde in a bikini shooting a MAC
MAC10 Gal